No Fake: Implementing Machine Learning Quickly and Easily in Practice

No Fake: Implementing Machine Learning Quickly and Easily in Practice

Only 5 seats left
Wednesday, June 28, 2023 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM · 1 hr. 30 min. (Europe/Berlin)


The recent hype about ChatGPT has brought artificial intelligence and machine learning to the attention of the public. But what added value does the technology offer for professional practice beyond fake videos and AI-based theses? And above all, how can it be successfully implemented?

In this workshop, our speakers Jannis Stegmann and Felix Vetter will guide you through the process of setting up an ML project on your own in the shortest possible time using suitable tools. Your task will be to equip an existing analysis application with new ML algorithms in order to be able to predict the risk of a heart attack from a previously untapped collection of patient data. The key learnings are:

- Merging, processing and enrichment of patient data from different sources

- Training of a ML model using appropriate ML algorithms and Python

- Integration of the ML model into the data integration flow

- Visualization of the results using Angular

- Outlook: From predictive analysis to prescriptive analysis

Important note: Please bring your own laptop to the workshop (BYOD)!

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