You’ve got 99 problems but to scale ain’t one

You’ve got 99 problems but to scale ain’t one

Thursday, June 29, 2023 11:15 AM to 11:35 AM · 20 min. (Europe/Berlin)


Every startup journey is unique. Every startup journey is full of challenges & dealing with change as the only constant – but it is also a unique experience to work in a team with a lot of energy, fun & often successes make up for the deprivations along the way.

Building a product or service is what most founders have excellent skills in. Although this already feels like rolling a big stone up a steep hill. Hiring the right people is key in that phase in order to achieve product market fit. But once up there while celebrating the success the stone starts to roll down on the other side and you are likely to be chasing it with a lot of stress and energy – but not, if you have the right processes and partners in place. Let us talk in this session about how implementing scalable business processes and choosing the right partners is a game-changer for your scaleup phase. Because, as a founder, you’ll have 99 problems – but to scale shouldn’t be one!

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